Why stay blind when you can have all the answers?

The biggest challenge around big data is to understand the infinite data flow, capture relevant information and leverage them to create value.

What are big data useful for? Big Data can do many different things, amongst which predictive manteinance, single-piece quality control, production efficiency optimization. To do so, it is necessary to translate billions of code strings into simple KPIs and instructions that indicate to the management how to intervene.

Smart Factory supports its customers in big data management, transforming complex data in personalized, interactive dashboards that are easy to understand for both managers and factory workers.

Big Data, assessed by a smart software, translate emerged evidences in pragmatic actions to optimize processes and ensure single-piece quality control. Big Data also allow for predictive maintenance, and for process and energy consumption optimization.


Smart Factory Srl - P.IVA: 09705740968
Codice SDI: M5UXCR1
info@smartfactory.it - +39 01311921164